Board and Committees
Leadership by and for our region.
In 1925, the founders of the Hartford Foundation designed a governance structure that would ensure leadership by individuals who are knowledgeable about the community and able to make fair decisions about complex issues. This model continues to serve the Foundation and the community well.
The volunteer Board of Directors governs the policies and grant decisions of the Foundation. Board members are appointed for a term of five years, and can serve for a maximum of two terms. The Board meets five times each year.
Board of Directors

Dr. Mark Overmyer-Velázquez, Chair
Dean and Chief Administrative Officer, University of Connecticut-Hartford Appointed by the Metro Hartford Alliance Board Chair, 2019
Marlene M. Ibsen, Vice Chair
Vice President, Community Relations, Travelers, and CEO & President, Travelers Foundation Appointed by the Trustee Banks, 2017
Beatriz Gutierrez, Treasurer
President and CEO, CONNSTEP, Inc. Appointed by the Board of Directors, 2022
Susan B. Dunn
Trained Interim Director for Nonprofits, Retired President of United Wayof Central and Northeastern Connecticut Appointed by the Board Chair, United Way of Central and Northeastern Connecticut, 2021

Rev. Darrell Goodwin
Executive Conference Minister, Southern New England Conference, United Church of Christ Appointed by the Board of Directors, 2025
Gillian Howell
Head of Client Advisory Solutions, Foundation Source Appointed by the Board of Directors, 2024
Alan Mattamana
Managing Partner, Fairview Capital Appointed by the Hartford Consortium for Higher Education, 2023
Richard N. Palmer
Retired Associate Justice, Connecticut Supreme Court Appointed by the Chief Justice of the Connecticut Supreme Court, 2016
Nicole Porter
Workforce and Small Business Manager, Urban League of Greater Hartford Appointed by the Judge of Probate Court, District of Hartford, 2021
David M. Roth
Retired, Senior Managing Partner, South Ocean Capital Partners Inc. Appointed by the Board of Directors, 2018Our Committees
In addition to the Board of Directors, the Foundation is fortunate to have other volunteers who collectively contribute hundreds of hours of service and advice to help the Foundation in a number of areas. Listed here are the members of the standing subcommittees of the Board of Directors and special committees.
Marlene M. Ibsen*
Richard N. Palmer*
Nicole Porter*
Susan B. Dunn*
Gillian Howell*
Alan Mattamana*
Non-Board Additions, TBD
Beatriz Gutierrez*
Darrell Goodwin*
Marlene M. Ibsen*
Alan Mattamana*
Richard N. Palmer*
Susan B. Dunn*
Beatriz Gutierrez*
David M. Roth*
Marlene M. Ibsen*
Susan B. Dunn*
Alan Mattamana*
Nicole Porter*
Alan Mattamana*
Mishone Donelson
David Holmgren
Gillian Howell*
Carl Peterson
David M. Roth*
POLICY and STRATEGY / Expedited Grant Review
Nicole Porter*
Darrell Goodwin*
Beatriz Gutierrez*
Marlene M. Ibsen*
David M. Roth*
Darrell Goodwin*, Chair
Kenneth R. Alleyne
Ellen Andrews
James Cox-Chapman
Lucy Cox-Chapman Dagneau
Lynne Garner
Bob Goldfarb, Honorary Co-Chair
Amanda Aronson, Co-Chair
Mark Overmyer-Velázquez*, Co-Chair
Susan B. Dunn*
Gillian Howell*
Marlene M. Ibsen*
Estela López
Yvette Meléndez
Paul Mounds
Nicole Porter*
JoAnn Price
David M. Roth*
Theodore S. Sergi
Paula Silas Guy
Andrew Worthington
Alan Mattamana, Chair
Susan B. Dunn*
Beatriz Gutierrez*
Mark Overmyer-Velázquez*
Cerity Partners
Robinson & Cole LLP
Christopher Cloud, Chair
Brenda Delgado, Vice Chair
Nakia Hall
Bob Ike
Bradford Meacham
Nicole Miller
Paul Mounds, Jr.
Wanda Williams McCormack
Amanda Aronson, Chair
Bill McDonald, Vice Chair
Karen Brown
Francine Christiansen•
Kathleen Costello•
Wendy Haller
Chris Morrill
Leslie Ohta
Amy Peltier
Renee Savoie
Terry Schmitt•
Ned Steiger
Kathy Worthington
Yvette Martas, Chair
Jackie Santiago-Nazario, Vice Chair
Aura Alvarado
Barbara Fernandez
Moraima Gutierrez
Fany Hannon
Diana Jepsen
Cecilia Kozlowski
Rosaida Morales Rosario
Rita Ortiz
Ana Valentin
Lisa Werkmeister Rozas
Shirley P. Boron
Glenn A. Cassis
Britt-Marie K. Cole-Johnson, Esq.
Nicholas Criscitelli
Judith Dobai
Mishone Donelson
Carol Dupuis
Dr. Eileen M. Furey
Gregory Grant
Moraima Gutiérrez
Kristen Mason Horrigan
Armando Jimenez
Harvey Kelly
David Klein
Janice Klein
Steph MacGillivary
Tom Mahoney
Shantel Mallery
Gayende Martin
Michelle C. Mays
Dr. Troy A. Monroe
Harry Meyer
Susan C. Myers
Christine Pandolfe
Nicholas Sheridan, CFP®
Laura A. Schuyler
Isaiah Torres
Leah N. Wade
Tyrone V. Walker
Trina N. Williams
Patricia J. Wrice
* Member of Board of Directors
• Ex-officio